Last updated 07/10/2024 |
The last club competition of the year was played on Sunday 05-Oct. Known as the Fixed Jack it involves a target comprising three concentric circles with a jack placed in the middle. Points are scored for coming to rest in the circles, more points the closer to the centre with a bonus point for touching the jack. Viv Collins won with Dick Forde and Chris Dutson in joint second place just one point behind.The club competition finals were recently played over three days (6-8 Sep) and mostly in dry conditions, despite the forecast promising much worse.Val Osmond was a three-times winner, gaining top-spot in the 4-wood Ladies Championship, the Ladies 2-wood Singles and, with her partner Val Ford, in the 2-wood Handicap Pairs.Hugh Hillier was also victorious three times, in the 4-wood Handicap Singles, 4-wood Men’s Championship and the Men’s 2-wood Singles.Double-winner Russ Isaac, took both the Novices and Unwon competitions. And winners trophies are heading to Dick Forde and Viv Collins for the 4-wood Handicap Pairs, and to Barry Painter and Viv Collins for the 4-wood Championship Pairs.The Mixed Pairs final was concluded 09-Sep with a win for Dianne Wilson and Keith Stokes.Well done to Chris, our Competition Secretary, and her assistants, with lots of work having been done over the last fours months to make this year’s Club Competitions a great success.Creditable performances from our Ladies and Men’s league teams this year, each consolidating their place in respective divisions:-Ladies A – 4th in Division 1Ladies B – 5th in Division 1Ladies C – 6th in Division 2Men’s A – 5th in Division 2Men’s B – 5th in Division 3The Lloyd Trophy final between Redland Green and Bristol St Andrews was held at the club on Saturday 31 August. A keenly fought match with St Andrews taking the trophy home.A fun and very competitive Captain’s Day was successfully held 26th August 2024, with the dress code a nod to the colours of the Olympic Rings.If you’re passing the club any time soon, please have a look at our new notice board. |
Member Information
The league and match availability cards are posted on the club notice board in the bowls season. Please indicate your availability as soon as you are able.
Forthcoming Social Events
Wednesday morning whist drives, Thursday afternoon short mat, quiz and games nights, coffee mornings and lots more – see the social events page.